I’m sorry I haven’t been posting very much the last few days. I’ve been pretty busy! As you may notice on ALL of my blogs, there are now icons that go to my Twitter, My WordPress, my Blogspot, my Tumblr and my newly created Facebook page. You’ll also notice that I have a new blog header on my WordPress and my Blogspot and I created a blog header for Tumblr.
Why am I doing all of this? Well, I feel that my blogs need to look as professional as possible and be easy to use. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fun, but there is a time to be professional. When it comes to my writing, I want everything perfect. That includes, blogs, tweets and any other accounts I’ve created.
This brings me to something I think you should be aware of. You get lots of email updates from Twitter and Tumblr and everything you’ve signed up for to help you get noticed. While you can usually turn these updates off, I prefer to keep them. This is why I created an email that was separate from any of my personal life that I would ONLY use for things related to my writing. With Gmail (Mail from Google) I can make as many accounts as I like for free! I can also create labels for different kinds of email and keep detailed information on all of my contacts.
With Gmail’s new ability to use two different gmail accounts at once I can keep my writing and my personal emails open in different tabs or be able to switch between them without having to log out first. This is a VERY nice feature. The other great thing is Gmail’s spam filter. It catches anything you would consider spam and lets you see all of it for thirty days before it gets deleted (so if it thinks something is spam that isn’t, you can tell gmail it’s not spam and you didn’t lose anything… like say, an agent asking to view more of your manuscript).
Now, I bet you’re wondering why I put all this time into my writing the past two years. Well, you’ll find out soon enough. These website updates weren’t just for being professional. They are leading up to the surprise I’ve got planned for you on Friday at noon! It’s not too late to sign up to be notified. There’s a link up there called “Surprise!”… Go click on it! (You know you want to!)
(Original Post on June 26, 2011 at: http://dft.ba/BSMeyers67 )
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