I'm heading out tomorrow for a two week vacation in Florida! This will mean very minimal Twitter and Blog interaction from me. That being said, I'm going to leave you with some of my favorite Tweeters so you can have some reading material while I'm gone! (I'm going to finally finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!)
Melissa Foster: Melissa is an amazing author and an even better person! She will never hesitate to help someone in need. She's published two novels, Megan's Way and Chasing Amanda and won numerous awards for them. Megan's Way is even being turned into a movie as you read this! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook or her Blog!
Aubrey Hansen: Aubrey is a wonderfully creative and outgoing person. She's a screenwriter, an author and an editor (with some occasional poetry). She's very enthusiastic and welcomes her insanity. Her novella, Red Rain, is coming out in September so make sure you check it out! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and on her Blog!
Richard Allen: Richard is fantastically funny and very witty! I am always delighted to see that he's mentioned me on Twitter because I know that no matter what he says, it will make my day! He's published two books in his "Rumbling Heart" Series, Rumbling Heart and Recorded Butterflies. Go check them out! Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and on his Blog!
Nicholas J. Ambrose: Nicholas is a wonderful science fiction author who has independently published three novels, Morris the Misfit Monster, Progenitor and What Happened on the Sanctity Architect. He has also co-written three novels. He runs a site called EverythingIndie that helps independent authors by providing editing and revising, creating cover art, formatting ebooks and critiquing. Follow him on Twitter and his Blog! Follow EverythingIndie on Twitter and visit the site here!
Tamworth Grice: Tamworth is a horror and suspense writer! Her novel, Listening to Ian Magick is available on Amazon! I have yet to read her work, but I'm sure it is fantastic! Follow her on Twitter and her Blog!
Abby Jones: Abby has two finished novels that are just waiting to be published! She's an Urban Fantasy writer and she's a wonderful person to chat with! Follow her on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook!
Ania Ahlborn: Ania is a deep south aficionado and she's an independent horror writer! Her debut novel, SEED, is available in ebook format. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and her Blog, and remember "in the darkness, something's watching you."
S.M. Reine: Sara Reine has published two novels, Six Moon Summer and The 19 Dragons! Both are available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and her Blog!
Robbi Sommers Bryant: Robbi has published 4 novels, 6 bestselling books and 1 book of poetry! She's a delightful person and a great tweeter! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and her Blog!
Rebecca Scarberry: Rebecca is an awesome tweeter who enjoys promoting authors! She is currently editing her debut novel and herding cats! Follow her on Twitter!
Here's three more writers that deserve to make the list just as much as the others! (All three of them went to school with me!)
Amanda Dedie: Amanda is working on her debut novel, Invincible, which you can read about here. She's a wonderful person who's crazy and enjoying it! Follow her on Twitter and her Blog!
Rebecca Snow: Rebecca is an aspiring author who is working on a couple of different writing projects. She also enjoys doing graphic design! Follow her on Twitter and her Blog!
Roxeanne Williams: Roxeanne is a fun-loving writer! She's a nerd and she's proud of it! Follow her on Twitter and her Blog!
(Original Post on July 25, 2011 at: http://dft.ba/-BSMeyers85 )
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