Sunday, August 14, 2011


I've learned a lot about myself over the past two and a half years of writing. I've learned that my writing reminds people of Douglas Adams and of J.R.R. Tolkien. I've learned that I know how to write. Most importantly, I've learned that I can write a book!

After much thought and discussion, I've determined that my first novel, The Greatest Story Never Told, wasn't accomplishing my goals the way I wanted to accomplish them. That being said I've decided that my new course of action is to write (what was planned to be) my second series. Fortunately, it will be very easy to salvage some concepts, plot ideas and characters from my first novel and incorporate them into my new series.

Many writers would be disappointed and possibly discouraged after spending two and a half years writing a novel, only to discover that it wasn't working, but I look at it this way: I spent two and a half years developing characters, plots and a Universe. More importantly, I spent two and a half years developing my writing skills and my writing style. I'm ready to take on this new project and I'm extremely excited to write it.

Although this decision sets me back quite a bit it will be better for me in the long run. My journey will continue and I hope that you will continue to follow me on that journey. I'd like to thank my family, my friends, Melissa Foster, Aubrey Hansen, Richard Allen, Ms. Jennifer Case and each and every one of my twitter followers for their support. Without people like you there would be no need for writers.

(Original Post on August 14, 2011 at: )

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