Thursday, September 1, 2011

Female Heroes

After reading an article speculating how Star Wars would have panned out with Luke and Leia switching positions (Here) and conversing with author SM Reine about it, we came to the conclusion that there really aren't that many females in literature or movies that follow the cycle of a hero.

You've got Harry Potter, Frodo and Luke Skywalker saving the world/galaxy and all, but then you've got Hermione, Arwen and Leia in the background. They're helping out, but they aren't single handedly saving everything.

Think of all the movies you've seen come out this year...Did any of them have female leads that were women? Green Lantern...Transformers...Captain America... Granted, those are all based on comic books, but where is Wonder Woman's movie? What about Ms. Marvel? The only movies I can think of (from any year) with female leads are Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, but those aren't legendary like the big three up there.

What are your thoughts?

(Original Post on September 1, 2011 at: )

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