Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donald Justice

This is a bit unrelated to MY writing, but I felt the need to share with you the poetry I had to analyze for a English paper. I chose Donald Justice not because I was familiar with his work, but because he was on a list and all of the ‘good poets’ were taken. At first I didn’t understand his poetry but after reading some criticism and rereading his poems I came to like his work. Justice focuses on the pain and loss of an unlived life. He uses simplistic tone and strong symbolism to express his attitude toward life.

My two favorite of his poems are:

It’s snowing this afternoon and there are no flowers.
There is only this sound of falling, quiet and remote.
Like the memory of scales descending the white keys
Of a childhood piano–outside the window, palms!
And the heavy head of the cereus, inclining,
Soon to let down its white or yellow-white.

Now, only these poor snow-flowers in a heap,
Like the memory of a white dress cast down …
So much has fallen.
And I, who have listened for a step
All afternoon, hear it now, but already falling away,
Already in memory. And the terrible scales descending
On the silent piano; the snow; and the absent flowers abounding.

“Incident in a Rose Garden”

Sir, I encountered Death
Just now among our roses
Thin as a scythe he stood there.
I knew him by his pictures
He had on his black coat
Black gloves, and broad black hat.
I think he would have spoken,
Seeing his mouth stood open.
Big it was, with white teeth.
As soon as he beckoned, I ran.
I ran until I found you.
Sir, I’m quitting my job.
I want to see my sons
Once more before I die.
I want to California

Sir, you must be that stranger
Who threatened my gardener.
This is my property, sir.
I welcome only friends here.

Sir, I knew your father.
And we were friends at the end.
As for your gardener,
I did not threaten him.
Old men mistake my gestures.
I only meant to ask him
To show me to his master.
I take it you are he?

(Original Post on April 11, 2011 at: )

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