Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Save the Book

In the event that I find a literary agent and my books get published, I promise that for every 100 copies of my book sold (Paper, not Ebook), I will plant a tree. Danielle, who is currently printing page after page of my first book for revisions, says she will plant one tree for every 50 books sold.

I know that this may seem strange, but in the changing publishing industry, I find it saddening that more and more ebooks are being sold than the good old paper books. I personally prefer paper books, they are less strain on my eyes and there just isn’t that feel of a book when you read it digitally. This isn’t just a plot to sell more books and get rich. I could care less about the money, I just want to save the environment and save The Book.

I am going to call this project, “Save the Book”. For every 150 PAPER books sold, 2 trees will be planted. When I get published, I encourage all of you to contribute by buying paper versions of my book, rather than digital versions. You can also help by simply clicking the button on this Website, for free, to help preserve the rainforest.

(Original Post on April 20, 2011 at: )

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